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The 5 Best Ted Talks to Watch in 2023

Writer's picture: deanne royedeanne roye

A great Ted Talk informs you, motivates you, and is fun to watch.

Below is a link to some incredible Ted Talks that inspire, motivate, and educate. Ted talks on youtube allow you to see and hear experts giving their stories and methods to cultivate ways to show up as your best.

  1. This Ted talk by Bevy Smith dives into showing up as your authentic self unapologetically. She is an incredible speaker with a vibrant personality. This ted talk is not a boring ted talk but a fun one. How to Discover Your Authentic Self -- at Any Age | Bevy Smith | TED

  2. Dr. Ivan Joseph describes self-confidence as a skill that will shift your confidence mindset. He details why practice, self-talk, and so much more matter. It’s worth watching and rewatching. The skill of self-confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

  3. Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth will leave you so inspired after this ted talk. She details the research behind grit and how you can be more gritty. Bonus, she has a book, too, that goes into detail. It’s an excellent book. Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

  4. Rory Vaden gives one of the best ted talks on time management. If you need help with time management, this video is for you. He details the myths about time management and what truly works. In a compelling video that will have you excited to get more time in your life. How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville

  5. Dr. Adida Gooden tells her story of learning unconditional self-worth and how you can. How we can learn self-acceptance and self-worth and how it affects our mental health. While giving tips on feeling worthy. Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity

Our mindset is critical in showing up and putting forward our best efforts. What we watch and listen to significantly impact our mind and soul, so finding positive and impactful information can be great for our mindset. If you’ve enjoyed this blog post, please comment below. You can also join the mailing list for weekly blog posts at

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